Welcome to my first post on my new blog - PamQuilts & More. I want to share my quilting and sewing journey with you and hope to inspire more creativity in both myself and my readers.
Now that 2010 has arrived, my creative juices are flowing and the first step I need to take is to clean and organize my sewing and quilting spaces. I find that if I do this first, I'm much more motivated to get to work.
One thing I need to do soon is take my sewing machines in for a servicing. I have several machines - all Husqvarna Viking - and I really do like them. I have a Designer 1 and a Designer SE - I can be sewing on one while embroidering on the other. So, I can take one in for servicing and still have one at home to use.
I generally get my machines serviced every 2-3 years, depending on how much I've used them. It really pays to keep your machines in tip top shape.
Stop back from time to time and see what I'm working ont.